About the company

Eye 2 Eye Opticians, as a company it was formed in 1993, which was formerly known in the eyewear industry as Suraj Optician, was established in 1980 founded by Jitendra H Shah.

Amar Shah entered into retail business with the same name of Eye 2 Eye Opticians and the legacy continued.

The only Aim was to give precise and Quality Eyewear. Throughout the Journey Eye 2 Eye Has always tried to give the wondrous and high quality of eyewear products. By keeping ourself technically updated and making our delivery on time and best of our after sales service not only make us Unique but also a renowned optician of its class.

“Eye” the precious organ always ready to admire beauty, we are here, to assist you in finding the perfect accessory to suit your eye and enhance your vision.


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